Mikkel Aaland is a photographer, writer, Web producer,
and the author of six
books, including Sweat (1978), County Fair Portraits
(1981), Digital
Photography (1992), Still Images in Multimedia (1996),
Photoshop for the Web
(1998), and The Sword of Heaven, (1999), published by
Travelers Tales, an
O'Reilly & Associates subsidiary.
Photographe professionnel, Mikkel Aaland est également
auteur (sept livres publiés) et collaborateur régulier des
magazines Wired, Newsweek. Il a participé à titre de
conseiller au développement de Photoshop Elements.
Mikkel Aaland
Mikkel Aaland is a photographer, writer, Web producer, and the author of six books, including Sweat (1978), County Fair Portraits (1981), Digital Photography (1992), Still Images in Multimedia (1996), Photoshop for the Web (1998), and The Sword of Heaven, (1999), published by Travelers Tales, an O'Reilly & Associates subsidiary. Photographe professionnel, Mikkel Aaland est également auteur (sept livres publiés) et collaborateur... Lire tout