Chris Ullman is a computer science graduate who has not
let this handicap prevent him becoming a programmer fluent
in Visual Basic, Java, SQL and Dynamic HTML. When not
cutting up pictures by old masters to re-assemble them as
dynamic jigsaws on his preferred browser, he's either found
down his local soccer ground urging on his favorite team,
Birmingham City, or at home trying to prevent his two new
kittens from tearing up the house, or each other. All my
love to Kate, who's always there to give me support and a
home and usually tries to look interested when I explain
the latest Internet based technology.
Chris Ullman
Chris Ullman is a computer science graduate who has not let this handicap prevent him becoming a programmer fluent in Visual Basic, Java, SQL and Dynamic HTML. When not cutting up pictures by old masters to re-assemble them as dynamic jigsaws on his preferred browser, he's either found down his local soccer ground urging on his favorite team, Birmingham City, or at home trying to prevent his two new kittens from tearing... Lire tout