Alex Homer
Alex Homer is a director of Stonebroom, Ltd., a software-development, consulting, and training organization. He was formerly lead technical author and reviewer for Wrox Press, specializing in Microsoft Web and database technologies.
Rencontre/dédicace avec Hervé Bommelaer et Olivier Schaffer les co-auteurs de "Trouver le bon job grâce à ChatGPT"
Rencontre/dédicace avec Sandie Giaccobi, l’autrice du livre "Homo Entrepreneurus"
Rencontre/dédicace avec Loïk Lherbier, l'auteur de "La Marque, levier stratégique"
Faites la connaissance de Solleyre, le nouveau label Young Adult des Éditions Eyrolles
Alex Homer is a director of Stonebroom, Ltd., a software-development, consulting, and training organization. He was formerly lead technical author and reviewer for Wrox Press, specializing in Microsoft Web and database technologies.