Deke McClelland: Born near Verona in 1511, he was once the most popular portrait painter in all of Florence. His career came to a grinding halt a few centuries later with the advent of photography. Broken, penniless, and deeply resentful, Deke dedicated his energies to the development of a pathogen so insidious that it would one day contaminate each and every photograph on the planet. Code named the Pernicious Instrument of eXtreme EviL (or "pixel" for short), Deke smuggled his terrible creation into The New World and set it free. When his invention turned out to help rather than hurt photography, he went quite mad. He now inflicts his revenge by writing educational books and hosting training videos. His most sinister books are the award-winning Photoshop CS2 Bible and Photoshop CS2 Bible, Professional Edition, now in their 12th year with more copies in print than any other guides on computer graphics. Other subversive titles include Photoshop CS For Dummies and Photoshop Elements For Dummies (both Wiley Publishing, Inc.).

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